
Program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah
Program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah

program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah

26 3.1 Strengthened Capacity at School Level. IMPROVED EDUCATION MANAGEMENT AND GOVERNANCE. 23 2.2 Building District Capacity to Plan, Manage, and Implement In-service Training. 22 2.1.4 Training of District Facilitators. 20 2.1.3 National Training-of-Trainers for Junior Secondary Schools (SMP/MTs). 20 2.1.2 National Training-of-Trainers for Primary Schools (SD/MI). 20 2.1 The Whole-School Development Program. 17 1.5.5 Assessment of Education in Papua. 17 1.5.4 An Assessment of Current Early Grade Reading. 17 1.5.3 Teacher Training Institute Situation Analysis. 13 1.2.5 Selection of District Facilitators. 13 1.2.4 Introductory Meetings with Teacher Training Institutes. 12 1.2.3 Collaboration with Other Donor Agencies. 10 1.2.2 Collaboration with Provincial and District Level Stakeholders.

program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah

10 1.2.1 Collaboration with the National Government of Indonesia. V LIST OF ACRONYMS, ABBREVIATIONS, AND TERMS. List of Contents LIST OF TABLES AND CHARTS. The authors’ views expressed in this publication do not necessarily reflect the views of the United States Agency for International Development or the United States Government. Prepared by RTI International* 3040 Cornwallis Road Post Office Box 12194 Research Triangle Park, NC 27709-2194 *RTI International is a trade name of Research Triangle Institute.

program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah

USAID Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS) Quarterly Report No. The contents are the responsibility of RTI International and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or the United States Government. 4 January to March 2013ĪpThis publication was produced for review by the United States Agency for International Development (USAID). USAID Prioritizing Reform, Innovation, and Opportunities for Reaching Indonesia’s Teachers, Administrators, and Students (USAID PRIORITAS)

Program kesiswaan sd muhammadiyah